This is going to be a short one. Partly because its hot as I write this - like 95 and humid hot - and partly because there isn't much more to say than what I'm going to say. If you've been following along with me, you know that as a good parent, I have certain opinions on education I question whether rote memorization is a good thing , I appreciate a good reality-based education , and as a result I really don't care if cursive d ies a quick painful death. What does that have with today's post? It has to do with the kind of education I want my kids to get in school rather than pointlessly memorizing the presidents in order. I recently saw the following headline on WebMd: 6M Drink Water Containing Toxic Chemicals: Report Which admittedly sounds scary. I mean, just look at that headline. Six million! That is a lot of people. And they are drinking water- such a basic necessity! - full of toxic chemicals. Toxic ones. Its right there in the headline. Chemicals...
We tried for one, and we ended up with a bushel of fun.