I'm old. I turned 39 in April, so I guess it shouldn't be that much of a surprise. And a million things could have triggered it. Like the aches that linger a bit longer than they used too or the pains that don't quite subside. The mornings that are harder to face than before. There was the time my eye doctor told me my completely harmless eye condition came as the result of age. But nope, none of that did it. A little baby did. When I started hanging around with my wife's family we were the youngest of the group. While I'm the oldest sibling in my family, my wife is the youngest of hers. She had a couple nephews and a niece, but they were just entering their teen years. So we were the ones finding first jobs, and then second jobs, and exploring the world. We were the ones living in new places and buying homes and then having kids. And we didn't just have kids, we had triplets. We were always the young u...
We tried for one, and we ended up with a bushel of fun.