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Is My Pediatrician Sexist; Is Yours?

UPDATE: On our most recent trip for flu shots, my son picked a sticker of a princess from the tub of stickers they offer patients.  As he picked it up, the nurse says to him... "oh, you don't want that one... that one is for your sister."

I was dumbfounded and not looking for a confrontation, but honestly, why would you say that to a three-year-old?  Let him have his sticker!

That comes on the heels of what is below, which I previously posted:

The triplets were in for their three-year-old annual a couple weeks ago.  The great news is that the triplets are healthy and happy.  And no shots.  The kids actually did great.  They listened and acted politely and were helpful with the exam.

Our pediatrician actually said they have the listening skills of 6 year olds, so yeah us!

And then, toward the end of the exam our pediatrician went through what I assume is a scripted speech about "private parts" and inappropriate touches and what to do if they get lost.  Her advice: go to a Mom or other woman.


In fairness, we love our pediatrician; absolutely lover her, and I'm sure she meant well.  But this stuck in my craw.  My wife kinda just rolled her eyes at me, as she knows I sometimes get riled about, and go on and on about, some peculiarly angled stuff.

Again, we love our pediatrician.  And I'm not saying our pediatrician is sexist, but... is she sexist?

I'm the type of Dad who has never missed one of our well visits.  I take my kids all over the place.  I have changed more than my fair share of the 16,428 diapers we have poo'd and pee'd through  in the last three years.  I'm the sole caregiver for my kids 3 hours or so per day.  And that hardly makes me unique.  I'm far from alone. Dads are taking over the world of parenting.  So I can care for triplets for hours per day, but I'm a male and thus sufficient a danger that we should steer a lost child away from seeking my help?

I'm sure in your heart or head you hear some voice saying, "yeah, but child molesters."  If this story about women molesting boys at a juvenile detention facility doesn't change your mind this should: FBI stats show children are almost always molested by someone they know.  The chance of your lost child stumbling upon someone whose intent is to molest them is vanishing small.  On the order of "don't let your child outside the house to avoid getting flattened by a meteor" rare; or "don't vaccinate your child because autism/disease/needles/ick" rare.

Maybe my wife is correct and I'm over thinking this.  Maybe; but this entire "males molest kids" thinking disparages Dads and makes it harder for them to be good Daddies.

You know what that type of thinking gets us?  It gets us a world where a Dad can't take pictures with his kids without someone at the Department of Homeland Security showing up and asking the kids if they are OK.  It gets us a situation where a Dad buying underwear for his daughter gets harassed for being a pervert, where Dads are asked to leave playgrounds, and where music teachers are no longer allowed to properly position the fingers of children playing the piano.

Ok, so that last one just makes sense.  There is no good reason for a piano teacher to touch a child's fingers.  You what they call people who play the piano, right.  Pianist.  That is right, pianist.  If that isn't sick, I don't know what it is.  I mean, these people intentionally call themselves this.


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