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Showing posts from November, 2013

Happy Thinksgiving

No posts this week.  Instead, just think about how lucky you are and how genuinely thankful you should be.  Regardless of your condition, unless its terminal, and even then, its almost certainly better than someone else.  And if you have your health, well, really, what more can you ask for? Happy Thinksgiving from my family to yours.

Whine and Cheese

My kids are the best behaved children in the world.  Seriously; I’m pretty willing to place bets on this issue: my kids behave better behaved than your kids. I took my triplets to the grocery store by myself two weeks ago - just Daddy and three two-year-old triplets.  We survived.  More importantly, since this had every chance of devolving into a Carrie-esque situation, the store and everyone inside survived.  This is a minor miracle.  I know this because I’m constantly seeing tweets about how scared people are to take their singleton or two out.  And then @wyguymom says “God bless you.  I wouldn’t attempt that if my life depended on it.” It’s the grocery store, people.  On my last solo trip I managed to explode an entire bottle of Manischewitz wine on the floor all by myself.  It got cleaned up (I think).  No harm; no foul.  And what would the kids do?  Scream.  Please; I’m so over screaming its not even funn...

Code Pink

A lot of pixels have been spilled lately about “princess culture;” the idea that we program our daughters to love pink and princess and that this limits them; that we direct them to be “pink” and that absent culture they would grow up to be superior “blue.”  As if somehow “blue” were superior.  I hate the idea that my DD would ever be blocked in or constrained by my expectations. I’ll cop to this: We own a lot of pink clothes for her.  More than we would if I was the sole purchaser of clothing (or if I had any, or offered any, real input outside of occasionally complaining about to wifey).  Some of it is unavoidable.  Have you ever tried shopping for a 2-year-old girl?  If you want to avoid pink you better be ready to dress her in the same 3 outfits.  Every day. On the other hand, she is growing up with two brothers, experience the same rough-house play her 2 brothers participate in.  She plays at the same games, plays with the same toy...