I acquired a bunch of injuries over the last 36 years. Some as a child: I once fell from row 12 of a bleacher. At least it seemd that high in my sub-10-year-old mind. In reality it was probably like row 3. I've got a few scars from football practice in high school. I carry around some emotion scars from that time as well (insert rim shot). I've got a scar on my leg where a doctor removed some kind of growth. Some as an adult: I've gotten a pretty nasty scar on my right wrist from window installation. Each tells a story deeper and more meaningful than a tattoo ever could. But none matches my recent ankle injury. It is two quarter-sized patches of ... well, dead and hardened skin. It is white and crusted layers of skin. The result of sitting on my feet while playing with the triplets it proves impervious to lotion. What I call Dad Ankle improved a bit after removing the carpet from the playroom....
We tried for one, and we ended up with a bushel of fun.