“Daddy, I’m angry at you!” My dear daughter says these words with a fierceness that would seem impossible for a four year old. But I almost don’t hear them. I’m busy checking my watch. It’s a couple minutes before my wife gets home. The second tick by. tick, tick, tick. I’m wondering how long this tantrum will go on. tick, tick, tick. Not because I’m worried she will come home to a tantrum, or wonder how I've failed so miserably as a Dad. No. It is because part of me is not only wondering how long the tantrum will run, but actively rooting for it to go on. I'm not worried my wife will walk into a war zone; I'm afraid she won't. Because I want my wife to not just hear about it from me, but to witness it; experience it. I may have been recently named a Brilliant Dad . Given the potentially low bar , I suppose its possible I am. But I am without a doubt a very, ...
We tried for one, and we ended up with a bushel of fun.