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Showing posts from November, 2014

Appreciate The Healthy Kids In Your Life

My son recently underwent a minor procedure to correct a hydroseal .  It’s a 45 minute out-patient procedure and  I don’t know all the risks and probabilities.  It’s a 1-inch incision with 24 hours of down time, so I have to assume it is one of the safest surgeries going.   Certainly a shoutout to CHOP doctors and nurses is deserved, as they at the very least made this surgery one of the safest and ensured a positive outcome. Rand rests. I take a bit of pride in being a relaxed and laid back parent who knows the probabilities and risks; what I need to worry about and what I can safely ignore.  But watching my little boy rest in an anesthesia-induced sleep, laying in that big bed with a tube in his mouth; it was nerve-wracking.  He took his merry time waking up.  The nurse assured us some children wake right up and others take their time.  Its all about how tired the child is and how they react to anesthesia.  And honestly...