If you are a parent, or on the internet in anyway, really, I’m sure you seen those listicles. Articles/lists of things. In honor of the many websites and listicles covering similar topics, I’ve decided to take a crack at the genre myself. Every single one of these is true. Every. Single. One. So without further ado… Why is one of my triplets crying? 01) My wife carried him up 2 of the 13 steps 02) He only managed to hook one of his feet onto the crib before being placed in said crib 03) I mentioned peanut butter as a food option 04) I responded by telling him he didn’t have to have peanut butter 05) I may have mentioned food 06) I offered him a hug 07) I didn’t understand a word that sounded a lot like hybgibberit 08) I gave him the exact lollipop he asked for 09) "Over The Rainbow" is being sung by Izreal, not Dorothy 10) I put raisins on his plate and not his hi-chair tray
We tried for one, and we ended up with a bushel of fun.